The Biggest Problems When Hiring a General Contractor in Manhattan

Reviewing common mistakes made when hiring a general contractor for Manhattan renovations, along with ways to avoid them altogether.

August 27, 2024


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The Biggest Problems When Hiring a General Contractor in Manhattan

Your apartment renovation partner will inevitably become a big part of your life, so choose wisely when renovating in Manhattan.

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The people on your home renovation team become a pretty big part of your life. That’s why choosing the right contractor for NYC renovations is so important.

Beyond the significant investment in time and money, your contractor will be at your home often and you’ll be interacting with them throughout each week of the renovation. The relationship will only succeed, and yield great results, when there’s comfortable communication between both parties. Preferences need to be shared candidly, and both sides need to feel free to ask questions. This type of two way street only comes from a general contractor with your best interests in mind. 

To help ensure you choose wisely when weighing renovation partners, let’s review the most common mistakes made when hiring for NYC renovations, along with ways to avoid them altogether.

Kitchen from our Upper East Side co-op renovation at 55 East End Ave. View our renovation before and after.

[#1]Potential General Contractor Problem #1: Option Overload[#1]

Ever been to a restaurant and there seems like 100 things on the menu, making picking the right meal impossible? That’s how finding a general contractor in Manhattan can seem. With so many options to choose from, the key is understanding the unique advantages of each choice and how they best fit your needs. 

General Contractors 

A general contractor in NYC primarily oversees the construction phase of a project, coordinating various tradespeople, subcontractors, and suppliers to assure all work aligns with the design provided by the homeowner or architect. They manage scheduling, budgeting, and all daily operations, verifying all work adheres to local building codes. The key distinction in this model is that design and construction are separate processes, with the design plans typically provided by the homeowner or a separate architect, then executed by the general contractor.

Design-Build Contractors 

A design-build general contractor offers an integrated approach by combining both design and construction services, handling everything from initial concepts to the final build. This full-service style of contractor provides a single point of contact for the entire project, streamlining the renovation process and leading to more cohesive and efficient project management. By having in-house designers, the design-build model allows for a collaborative process that often results in less friction when renovating and a more transparent process overall. 


Architects are required for your NYC renovation when the project involves structural changes or complex layouts. These structural design experts work with your general contractor to draft plans for your renovation, while also guaranteeing the project meets local building codes. 

  • Architects And Traditional General Contractors: In renovations driven by traditional general contractors, architects typically work with general contractors to bring their completed plans to life. In this case, traditional general contractors focus on managing the construction process, coordinating trades, and ensuring that the renovation aligns with the architect’s design. This setup can lead to effective project execution but requires clear communication between the architect and the contractor to prevent missteps. 
  • Architects And Traditional Design Build General Contractors: With design build general contractors, the architectural work is kept in-house, as their own architects draft the plans and solve for regulations, working with the in-house interior designer to ensure all aspects of the design meet code, match the drawings, and provide the most functional layout possible. 

For more on architectural services in NYC, read What Kind Of Architect Is Best For Your NYC Renovation? 

Interior Designers 

Interior designers specialize in optimizing space, selecting materials, and crafting the overall aesthetic of your home. These creative gurus create functional and visually appealing environments, which is essential when renovating in NYC apartments, where maximizing space is crucial. 

  • Interior Designers And Traditional General Contractors: When working with a general contractor, interior designers will occasionally be brought into the project in order to provide detailed guidance on design elements and materials, while the contractor handles the construction. 
  • Interior Designers And Traditional Design Build General Contractors: For projects where both design and construction are preferred for easier client management, a design-build general contractor can streamline the process by integrating design and construction services under one roof. This full-service design-build approach can simplify coordination, reduce miscommunications, and often lead to a more cohesive and efficient renovation process.

For a full understanding of interior design in NYC, dig into our interior design services or read What's The Difference Between An Interior Designer And Interior Decorator?

[#2]Potential General Contractor Problem #2: Lack of Clarity With Cost Of Work [#2]

The cost of your renovation is ultimately dictated by your design vision and budget parameters. If the goals of your project start getting lost in translation while vetting various general contractors, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with traditional general contractors who will be outsourcing key portions of your project, and therefore cannot provide you with full renovation costs until all portions of the work have been bid out. This could potentially take months. 

The opposite can be said for design-build general contractors. These full-service general contractors provide every aspect of your renovation under one roof and can therefore deliver complete pricing for your full project up front. At Gallery, we can typically provide full costs for your renovation within 95% accuracy upon initial walk-through of your space. 

[#3]Potential General Contractor Problem #3: NYC's Complex Permit Process [#3]

Embarking on any renovation in Manhattan involves obtaining various permits tailored to your project's scope. From basic work permits to specialized electrical and plumbing permits, each step requires meticulous attention to detail. 

When working with a traditional general contractor, the client is often responsible for pulling permits and securing board approvals on their own. This often leads to hiccups and delayed timelines. Hiring a full-service design-build firm like Gallery KBNY can significantly reduce these delays. Our seasoned team understands the intricacies of the permit acquisition process, ensuring that your project progresses efficiently. We leverage our expertise to anticipate challenges, expedite approvals, and minimize any unforeseen waits, providing you with a streamlined renovation experience.

[#4]Potential General Contractor Problem #4: Co-Op and Condo Board Approvals [#4]

Co-op renovations in New York City are fairly regulated. Co-op boards have stringent alteration agreements which impose rules around what is and isn’t allowed in terms of construction and renovation, including methods that can and can’t be used.

The alteration agreement essentially guides how the general contractor approaches the project. This involves the following, among other things:

Similar to permits, this process is typically handled by the homeowner when working with traditional general contractors. With a design build general contractor, the client no longer has to manage these logistical burdens. From building and co-op board approvals to zoning and DOB approvals, design build firms with true full-service expertise like Gallery handle every approval requirement with precision and expertise on behalf of their clients. This includes applications with the Landmark Preservation Committee, a formality required for homes designated a landmark or located on a landmark street, which is around 20% of all Manhattan properties. 

Outdoor patio from our Manhattan apartment combination at 180 Thompson St. View the full renovation before and after.

[#5]Potential General Contractor Problem #5: NYC's Space Constraints [#5]

Considering 1.6 million people fit into an island that is roughly 13.4 miles long and about 2.3 miles across, it’s no wonder Manhattan residents often find themselves with space constraints in their humble abodes. For those with growing families or expanded design visions, adjusting the footprint of the space according to personal preferences becomes a must. 

In those instances, working with a general contractor who can accommodate the entirety of your project allows for the path of least resistance. Unlike working with a traditional general contractor, who will likely outsource the design and/or architectural aspects of your project, renovations with design build general contractors include in-house architects and designers. This natural synergy removes friction between required renovation services, while also taking the amount of project management the client is responsible for down to zero. More with less. 

[#6]Potential General Contractor Problem #6: Noise Restrictions and Neighbor Relations [#6]

Setting expectations ahead of time for neighbors is vital when preparing for a NYC apartment renovation. A quality general contractor will set the stage far in advance of any demolition, letting neighbors know when work will be commencing. On top of that, the city implies strict rules on construction hours (typically 7 am to 6 pm on weekdays) and your contractor must consider how this will affect project schedules. 

At Gallery, we provide neighbor notices to all neighbors on the floor we’re renovating, along with everyone above and below, delivering renovation timelines and daily working hours. We also build and maintain rapport with building supers and boards before any renovation we take on, in order to ensure we have a full understanding of the building’s respective rules and regulations. By setting expectations for all parties, everyone can manage the upheaval with grace. 

[#7] Potential General Contractor Problem #7: Adapting to NYC's Aging Infrastructure [#7]

For residents living in many of the marvelous pre-war buildings that make up the Big Apple’s foundation, renovating can be a double-edged sword. While detail-oriented historic elements provide added appeal and one-of-a-kind character, NYC apartments with dated roots pose additional challenges that general contractors must be prepared to approach proactively. 

Many of New York City's older buildings have underlying issues like outdated electrical systems, plumbing stack limitations, and the presence of hazardous materials such as lead paint or asbestos. A general contractor with experience in modernizing dated NYC apartments should have awareness to thoroughly investigate and address all issues prior to renovation. For a more in-depth understanding of what to expect when renovating in a pre-war or older Manhattan building, read Common Surprises When Renovating A NYC Apartment. 

Restored fireplace from our UWS pre-war co-op renovation at 801 West End Ave. View full renovation before and after.

Resources For How to Choose a General Contractor In Manhattan

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of who and how to hire when looking for a general contractor in Manhattan, you’re probably looking to lock in someone formally. For more specific details about who to partner with for your NYC apartment renovation, read any of the following helpful articles from our Design & Reno Blog

Full-Service Design-Build Contractor In NYC

Renovating in Manhattan inevitably comes with challenges, which is why choosing a general contractor who best fits your personal needs and goals matters most. We’re hopeful this guide helps the vetting process and if you have further questions, feel free to read our FAQs or contact us directly.

We are an award-winning design-build firm in New York City with a full-service approach to renovations in Manhattan and Brooklyn that includes everything from interior design and architecture services to board approvals/permits and construction site management. We’re experts in pre-war apartment renovations, apartment combinations, room creations, full gut renovations and all that falls in between. Let us bring your dream home to life.

Considering an apartment renovation in New York City? View our portfolio of NYC apartment renovation before and afters or learn more about Gallery

Managing Partner/CEO

Avi Zikry

Avi Zikry is the CEO and managing partner of Gallery KBNY, a full service design-build firm specializing in the design and interior renovation of apartments, townhomes, and lofts in NYC. Under his leadership, Gallery KBNY has earned the reputation for delivering exceptional service and beautiful homes to our select group of clients. Avi's strategic positioning extends beyond the brand. He has strategically cultivated a network of industry partners and suppliers, forging strong alliances that allow Gallery KBNY to access cutting-edge technologies and materials. By staying abreast of industry trends and technological advancements, Avi ensures the firm remains at the forefront of innovation, consistently offering clients the latest design solutions and construction methodologies.




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